by Word | Oct 1, 2013 | Advice, Writing
It’s natural that we, as human beings, when we decide that we want something, we want it as soon as possible. Maybe it’s getting of debt and increasing our income; or maybe it’s acquiring a new skill, such as being able to speak a language, or...
by Word | Sep 1, 2013 | Advice, Writing
Do you have trouble making decisions? Join the club. No matter if you’re just a person at home in front of a blank piece of paper, or the President of the United States, we all have trouble now and again making decisions. Frankly, sometimes there are just too...
by Word | Aug 19, 2013 | Advice, Story, Writing
Type “writing tips” into Google, and you’ll find plenty. More than you can probably digest in a single sitting, and certainly more than you need to get started. So let’s pare down and focus on just a few. After all, cutting out unnecessary...
by Word | Aug 16, 2013 | Advice, Writing
Inspiration can be a roadblock to writers, both aspiring and professional. We’re always waiting for that ‘perfect moment,’ that ‘perfect vision.’ It’s like the clouds will part, and that vision of glory will unfold before us, then...
by Word | Aug 16, 2013 | Advice, Writing
So you want to improve your writing skills. That’s great! Setting that as a goal is a good thing. But now…where to start? How to start? What is the road ahead? Let’s start by…starting. By writing. Anything, whatever comes to mind. Open the...