One word in front of the other

One word in front of the other

What are you writing about? Whether it’s a short story or business document, what is it that you’re trying to communicate? What is your point? What is your story? In some ways these should be easy questions to answer. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always...
Is every word necessary?

Is every word necessary?

When the writing process is just beginning, writers should write freely. That means setting judgements aside, opening your mind, and allowing ideas and words to flow uninterrupted. If you start to edit your copy or change too many words at this stage, the writing...
Three simple writing tips to get you started

Three simple writing tips to get you started

Type “writing tips” into Google, and you’ll find plenty. More than you can probably digest in a single sitting, and certainly more than you need to get started. So let’s pare down and focus on just a few. After all, cutting out unnecessary...
Finding inspiration, it’s closer than you think

Finding inspiration, it’s closer than you think

Inspiration can be a roadblock to writers, both aspiring and professional. We’re always waiting for that ‘perfect moment,’ that ‘perfect vision.’ It’s like the clouds will part, and that vision of glory will unfold before us, then...